尋找成就感 - 去美國(二)
1 . So they are content to let him go to America.所以他們滿意地讓他去美國了。
2 . Mr. Li is not afraid of working hard.李先生不怕吃苦。
3 . Because hs is thinking of majoring in this subject at the university.因為他考慮把此學科作為在大學裡的專業。
4 . But, at the same time, they wish he weren't going so far away.但同時,他們希望他不要離得這麼遠。
5 . And they are very proud of their son's success in getting a scholarship to Harvard.他們為兒子獲得哈佛的獎學金頁感到非常自豪。
6 . They are used to seeing him every day.他們習慣了每天見到他。
7 . But this doesn't mean that Mr. Li is a bookworm.但這並不意味著李先生是個書獃子。
8 . He spends a lot of time reading books on ecology.他花了大量的時間閱讀生態學方面的書籍。
9 . Li Ming's parents are in favor of his plan.李明的父母都支持他的計劃。
10 . He is also very fond of playing tennis and manages to find time for a game twice a week.他非常喜歡打網球,每週總要抽時間打兩次。
11 . So he keeps on studying after his English classes in order to prepare for life in America.所以他在英語課下課後還繼續學習,為以後在美國生活做準備。
12 . They will miss him very much when he leaves home for the first time.李明第一次離開家,他們會非常想念他的。
13 . But Li Ming has promised to come home for the summer vacations.但是李明已經答應暑假回家。