工作 - 額外成就感(一)英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語工作 - 額外成就感(一)對白,工作 - 額外成就感(一)英文怎麽說



工作 - 額外成就感(一)用英語怎麽說


工作 - 額外成就感(一)

1 . There are a few openings in publishing for new graduates.出版業中幾乎沒有給新畢業生的空缺。

2 . I've got three days off next week.下星期我有三天假。

3 . She has now held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else this century.她現在擔任首相任期之長在本世紀是前所未有的。

4 . He was killed on the spot.他當場被殺。

5 . She's looking for a part time job.她在尋找兼職工作。

6 . I think I'll take the afternoon off.我想下午休息。

7 . The college runs summer courses for Chinese learneers of English.這所學院為學習英語的中國人開設了暑期班。

8 . He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.經理不在時他負責這個商店。

9 . He's been here for years, he should know the ins and outs of the job by now.他在這裡已經好多年,現在理應熟悉各方面的工作了。

10 . Who's in charge here?這兒誰負責?

11 . The children's performances brought down the house.孩子們的演出博得滿場喝彩。

12 . You must be green to believe that!你真幼稚,竟然相信那個。

13 . They dismissed him on the spot.他們立即開除了他。

14 . When you go to a new school it takes a while to know the ropes.到一所學校讀書要花一段時間熟悉情況。

15 . How long has he held office?他已任職多長時間了?

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