1 . How many do you need?你需要多少?
2 . We want to order some of these.我們想訂些這種貨。
3 . Is this the part that you need?這是不是你所需要的零件?
4 . Yes, we have plenty on hand right now.可以,我們目前有不少現貨。
5 . This is a standard size.這是標準尺寸。
6 . We'll take all that you can give us.你們有多少就買多少。
7 . In that case, we wouldn't have it in stock.如果是這樣,我們庫存不會有。
8 . Can you supply us right away?能夠立刻供貨嗎?
9 . This is what we need.我們要的就是這個。
10 . I don't think this is a standard size.我看這不是標準尺寸吧?
11 . It's not.it is a little oversized.不是,它比標準的大了一點。