英語 900 句(英音版)
1 . Which of your arms is sore?你哪個手臂酸呀?
2 . It's bleeding.You'd better go see a doctor about that cut.它正在流血. 你最好為那個刀口去看醫生。
3 . How are you feeling today?你今天感覺怎麼樣?
4 . My right arm hurts. It hurts right here.我的右手臂受傷。 它恰好受傷在這裡。
5 . I was sick yesterday,but I'm better today.我昨天病了,但是我今天好一些了。
6 . I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg.我在樓梯上滑倒了並且掉下來我弄斷了腿的。
7 . I hope you'll be well soon.我希望你不久將好。
8 . My fever is gone,but I still have a cough.我的發燒好了,但是我仍然患咳嗽。
9 . How did you break your leg?你怎麼弄斷了腿?
10 . What's matter with you?你有什麼問題嗎?
11 . I've got a pain in my back.我的後背有點疼痛。
12 . I don't feel very well this morning.我今早感到不很好。
13 . Which foot hurts?Is it the left one?哪個腳受傷?是左腳?
14 . Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt?你的右手是腫的.它受傷了嗎?
15 . My brother has a bad headache.我的兄弟患嚴重的頭疼。