I am(自己)(二)
1 . I still want to travel through Europe and to Asia.我一直希望能從歐洲經由亞洲旅行。
2 . Last year I studied sociology and political science in school.去年,我在學校攻讀了社會學和政治學課程。
3 . I plan to be here for over a year.我計劃在這裡住一年以上。
4 . I really enjoy being with you!跟你在一起,我真的很快樂!
5 . Working in the theater has always been attractive to her.對於在劇場工作,她常感到機具吸引力。
6 . The doctor said I should stop smoking cigarettes.醫生勸告我戒煙。
7 . What time should I meet you at the station?我幾點中跟你在火車站碰頭呢?
8 . I can't be sure of my future plans.我還沒有明白地定下我將來的計劃。
9 . Was I supposed to help you today?今天我想幫你忙。