1 . 2025要瞭解一個人,我們往往需要看他說了什麼話,尤其是無法面對面的情況下。那麼回到正題,我們來看一下李小龍的部分經典言論吧,我進行了大概地意譯。這些都是他在三十歲左右說過的話,看看能否對你有所啟發。
2 . 不要祈求容易的生活,而是祈求能去承受艱辛生活的力量。
3 . 快脾氣很快會讓你認識到自己的愚蠢。
4 . 當一個人在藝術上成熟的時候,他的形式是無形,就像冰塊溶於水中。無形也意味著可以變成任何形式,當你沒有風格的時候,你能適應任何風格。
5 . 14. Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.
6 . 總是做你自己,表達你自己,對自己充滿信心,不要去追尋成功 的個人偶像然後複製他。
7 . 3. I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
8 . 專注力是讓你獲得更高成就的根本。
9 . 遵守紀律,但別被它束縛。
10 . 保持空杯心態,無形式,無招法,像水一樣。你把水倒進杯子,它就是杯子的形狀,你把水倒進瓶子裡,它就是瓶子的形狀,你把水倒進水壺,它就是水壺的形狀。而水能載舟亦能覆舟,像水一樣吧,我的朋友 。
11 . 8. Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
12 . 目標並不需要總是能達到,有時候它只是起到指引方向的作用。
13 . 最終,最大的幫助是自助。
14 . 我不會教你任何東西,我只是幫助你挖掘你自己。
15 . 這就像手指著月亮,當你把注意力集中在手指頭上的時候,你就錯過了月亮的光輝。
16 . 批評和打擊別人是容易的,但認識你自己卻需要耗費一生的時間。
17 . 一個聰明人從一個愚蠢的問題中學到的,比一個傻子從一個聰明的答案中學到的更多。
18 . 18. After all, all knowledge simply means self-knowledge
19 . 5. Concentration is the root of all the higher abilities in man.
20 . 21. Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are the weeds that strangle confidence
21 . 10. Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.
22 . 6. Ultimately the greatest help is self-help.
23 . 1. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.
24 . 13. Obey the principles without being bound by them.
25 . 不要讓負面思想進入你的內心,那是勒死自信心的稻草。
26 . 選擇積極的一面。你有選擇權,你是你心靈的主宰,選擇積極的有建設性的。樂觀 是一種信念,它引領你走向成功。
27 . 沒有人會被真正打敗,除非他對自己失去了信心。
28 . 那些意識不到自己正在黑暗中行走的人,將永遠看不到燈光。
29 . 17. I am not teaching you anything. I just help you to explore yourself.
30 . 22. Remember no man is really defeated unless he is discouraged
31 . 19. Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.
32 . 20. Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don』t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
33 . 20254. A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
34 . 不要否定經典的方法,否則你會創造出另一種模式,然後把自己困在裡面。
35 . 對我來說,武術的非凡之處在於它的簡單。簡單的方法也是正確的方法,武術並不例外。
36 . 7. For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.
37 . 我不懼怕那些練了一萬種技擊法且每種練上一次的人,我懼怕那些把一種技擊法練上一萬次的人。
38 . 要注意到,堅硬的樹木容易斷裂,而草竹隨風彎曲卻能保全自己。
39 . 9. A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.
40 . 11. A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
41 . 錯誤總是可以被原諒的,當一個人有勇氣去承認的時候。
42 . 2. Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult
43 . 最終,所有的知識都是自我認知。