1 . If you keep eating you'll be as big as a house.如果你一直吃下去,你會胖得像棟房子。
2 . You really need to shed some fat.你真得減減肥了。
3 . Crash dieting is not an advisable way to lose weight.瘋狂節食可不是減肥的好方法。
4 . Your boyfriend is a bag of bones.你的男朋友瘦得皮包骨頭。
5 . You keep getting fatter and fatter.你一天比一天胖。
6 . She would be pretty if she wasn't so fat.她要是不那麼胖,還挺漂亮的呢。
7 . That guy is as fat as a pig.那傢伙胖得像頭豬。
8 . You really need to eat more; you're too skinny.你太瘦了,真得多吃點。
9 . He's 20 kilos overweight for his height.就他的身高而言,他的體重超了20公斤。
10 . You're much thinner since the last time I saw you.你比我上次見你的時候瘦多了。