subsalt 基性鹽;鹼式鹽;subsalt structure 基性鹽構造;subsalt well 含鹽油井;
1.How to restore the subsalt structural feature correctly by studying seismic interpretation methods of subsalt structures be. 如何通過鹽下構造地震解釋方法研究來準確恢復鹽下構造形態,成為制約研究區勘探突破和增儲上產的關鍵。
2.Brazil plans to more than double oil production by 2020, with over one-third coming from recently discovered, ultra deep offshore 'subsalt' fields. 巴西計劃2020年以前使本國的石油產量增加一倍以上,超過三分之一的石油產量將來自最近發現的海上超深水油田。
3.Compared with conventional time image, the obvious advantages of depth imaging are that it reveals the subsalt structure and raise the clarity of imaging. 與常規時間成像相比,深度成像明顯的優點是揭示了鹽下構造的形態和提高了成像的清晰度。