accounts receivables 應收賬款;應收應計項目;應收款項;accounts receivables 應收賬款;應收應計項目;應收款項;Receivables collectable after one year 一年以上的應收款項;pledging receivables 應收帳款抵押;Unapproved Receivables 未核准應收帳款;
1.receivables shall be accounted for separately where appropriate as bills receivable, accounts receivable, short term loans receivable and other receivables; 應收款項,應當按照應收票據、應收帳款、應收短期貸款和其他應收款等分別核算;
2.Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount. 應收項目的兩種主要類型是應收帳款和應收票據。
3.The carrying amount of other receivables, deposits and prepayments approximates to its fair value. 其他應收款項、按金及預付款項的帳面值與其公平值相約。
4.In the quick ratio, the quick assets are cash, marketable securities (short-term investments), and net receivables . 在速動比率中,速動資產是指現金、可市場交易的證券(短期投資)和應收賬款淨額。
5.DRECK and DINVK are the changes in receivables and inventory under either IAS or PRC standards. 不論是基於IAS或PRC準則,DRECK和DINVK在應收項目和存貨中都會改變。