





v. experience ,find ,have ,pick up


v. say farewell


receive[ri'si:v]vt. 收到;接待;接納vi. 接收


receive 收到,得到,接受;接待,接見,歡迎;領取;收到;receive buffer 接收緩衝區;接收緩衝區;RCV ReCeiVe 接收;Receive sensitivity 接收靈敏度;靈敏度;receive dividends 分紅;


1.In old China,eighty per cent of the children received no formal education. 在舊中國,百分之八十的兒童受不到正式教育。

2.The best way to receive love is to give it. 接受愛的最好方法就是付出你自己的愛。

3.God is a girl, whatever you say, Do you believe it? can you receive it? 無論你說什麼,上帝她就是一個女孩,你相信它嗎?你能接受它嗎?


What time would you like to receive the call? - 您想何時叫您?

Where did you receive your master degree? - 你在哪裡獲得碩士學位的?

Will I be able to receive the goods by the end of September? - 我可以在9月底以前收到貨嗎?

You'll receive my invitation soon enough, and I will inform you. - 你很快會收到我的請柬,我會通知你的。

I'm very grateful to receive this award for Best Actress. - 感謝授予我「最佳女演員獎」。

Can this radio receive short-wave? - 這個收音機能收短波嗎?

You can receive our program at short wave 37.5 MH. - 你可在短波37.5赫茲上收到我們的節目。

So I will receive and sign it overnight. - 那麼,我明天就可以收到並且簽上名了。

Please quote us as soon as you receive our inquiry. - 請接到我們的詢價單後馬上給我們報價。

We hope this will be a good start for profitable business relations and assure you that your offer will receive our careful consideration. - 希望這將是我們互利商業往來的良好開端。我們保證將對貴方的報價予以認真的考慮。

Against your enquiry, we are pleased to make you a special offer as follows and hope to receive your trial order in the near future. - 根據你方要求,我方很高興就如下商品向你方特殊報價,希望不久能收到你方的試訂單。

Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents. - 除非你們收到我方代理的特別指示,否則請用正常出口集裝箱。

I will be very glad when I receive the letter. - 如能接到你的來信,我將會非常高興。

Many receive advice only the wise profit by it. - 聆忠言者眾,智者獨獲益。

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! - 然後他微笑了一下告訴我說,我每年將得到1,000 英鎊的額外收入。

' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! - 」如果你收到這樣的懇求,你是不會不遵照執行的!

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. - 如今,從事體力勞動的人的收入一般要比坐辦公室的人高出許多。

These young people, who love the peace of mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard's monastery. - 這些熱愛高山清靜環境的年輕人每年都受到聖伯納德道院的熱烈歡迎。

In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. - 在原始文化中,尋求和接受傳統教育的義務對全民都有約束力。

So I will receive and sign it overnight. - 那麼,我明天就可以收到並且簽上名了。

Most countries use these satellites to send and receive messages. - 大多數國家利用這些衛星發送和接收消息。

It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. - 它不但賜福施予的人,而且賜福於受施的人。


receive manual reduction - 得到手法復位

function of the stomach to receive food - 胃主受納


n.胃主受納 - function of the stomach to receive food

n.收發的 - transmit receive


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