accretingn. 加積作用v. 添加生長;合生(accrete的ing形式)
accreting 加積作用;共同生長;accreting plate 增生板塊;增長板塊增生板塊;增長板塊,增生板塊;accreting binary 吸積雙星;accreting line 增長線;methane accreting 甲烷增生作用;
1.they grow only by accreting new material from intergalactic space or by merging with other galaxies. 只有從星系際空間吸積新物質,或與其他星系合併時才會成長。
2.Vacuum base plating machine can perform high-voltage bombard function to clean the blank and to make the silver accreting closely. 具有高壓離子轟擊功能,淨化晶片表面,強化鍍銀的附著力。
3.So, reasonably, we can focus on the effects of mass outflow on the accreting structure and thus the spectra of the high-energy radiation powered by mass accretion. 所以物質的外流對吸積結構具有決定性的影響,從而影響到吸積推動的高能輻射的譜形。