Accrued 應計的;權責已發生的;應計利息;增值的;accrued item 應計 項目;應計項目,前期債務;應計 工程;應計工程;Accrued welfarism 應付福利費;應付福利費 應付福利費;Accrued wages 應付工資;應計工資;應付職工薪酬;應付工資 應付工資;accrued income 應計收益;應計收入;應收未收收益;應付收益;
1.Expense incurred but not yet paid, including accrued payroll, accrued rent payable, accrued interest payable, accrued VAT payable, accrued taxes payable-other and other accrued expense payable. 凡已發生而尚未支付之各項應付費用,包括應付薪工
2.Expense incurred but not yet paid, including accrued payroll, accrued rent payable, accrued interest payable, accrued VAT payable, accrued taxes payable-other and other accrued expense payable. 凡已發生而尚未支付之各項應付費用,包括應付薪工
3.Accrued income will never be taxable. 應計收入將不予應稅的。
4.Prepare journal vouchers for all accrued expense to support monthly closing. 為所有預提費用準備傳票,以支持月末結帳。
5.Bonds investment shall be accounted for according to actual amount paid. The interest accrued contained in the actually paid amount shall be accounted for separately. 債券投資應當按實際支付的款項記帳。實際支付的款項中包括應計利息的,應當將這部分利息單獨記帳。