anti-ballisticadj. 反彈道的;反飛彈的
anti-ballistic 反飛彈的;Anti-Ballistic Missiles 攔截導彈;anti-ballistic antiballistic 反彈道的;Anti-Ballistic Missile 攔截導彈;反彈道導彈?;anti-ballistic missile system 反彈道導彈體系;反導彈系統;
1.Anti-ballistic missile defenses will suffer the same fate. 彈道導彈防禦系統也會面臨相同的命運。
2.In order to do so, we must move beyond the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a treaty that was written in a different era, for a different enemy. 為了達到這一目的,我們必須超越1972年的《反導條約》,該條約是在那個時期、針對那個時期的敵人而制定簽署的。
3.The launch was also a finger in the eye for America, which has seen its latest long-range anti-ballistic-missile test in the Pacific suffer an embarrassing radar malfunction. 美國對這次發射瞭如指掌,剛剛在太平洋進行的遠程反導試驗出現了令人尷尬的雷達故障。