Anti-colonialism 殖民主義;
1.Anti-colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule. 反殖民主義者旨在結束一個民族附屬於殖民統治的現象。
2.Heart of Darkness, as an important representative of Conrads works, has always been treated as a classic of anti-colonialism. 《黑暗之心》是康拉德最優秀的中篇小說之一,常被認為是反殖民主義的經典作品。
3.But under a new reform, history will become optional, letting budding scientists retreat behind their Bunsen burners untroubled by the cold war or anti-colonialism. 在這一項新的改革中,歷史變成了非強制性的,這使得那些初露頭角的小科學家們可以不用理會冷戰和反殖民主義而自由的沉浸在他們自己的發明中。