





n. fillingv. fill up ,fulfil ,occupy ,take


v. discharge ,empty


fill[fil]vt. 裝滿,使充滿;滿足;堵塞;任職vi. 被充滿,膨脹n. 滿足;填滿的量;裝填物


Fill 填充;(動)填寫;執行價;填土;fill in 填充;填充,填寫,臨時代替;填滿;對…提供最新情況;Texture Fill 紋理填充;材質填充;(紋理填充)使用灰度文件或文件的一部分填充選區。;(紋理填充)使用灰度文件或文件的一部分填充選區。;fill up 填補;裝滿;填上;填滿;Fill factor 填充係數;占空因數;充滿係數;填充因素;


1.They filled their guest with good food. 他們以美食招待他們的客人。

2.Please fill out this registration card. 請填寫這張住宿登記表。

3.Must I fill out this Customs declaration? 在這裡必須填關稅申報單嗎?


Very good. Please fill out this form. - 很好,請填寫這張表格。

Please fill it out completely. - 請全部填寫。

The kids hang their stockings over the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill them with candies and toys. - 孩子們在火爐邊懸掛長筒襪等待聖誕老人給他們塞糖果和玩具。

Then you have to fill out this form - 然後你要填寫這份表格,

Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me. - 叫Paul Smith代替我出席。

Just fill out this form for me. - 請把這份表填好。

Hi. Fill 'er up. - 嗨, 把油箱加滿。

To watch his woods fill up with snow. - 注視他落滿雪花的林子。

You'll never be able to fill your father's shoes. - 你永遠也替不了你父親的工作。

Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company? - 既然她已經離開了公司,有人能接替她的位置嗎?

Please fill in this application form. - 請填這張申請表。

Could you explain how to fill this out? - 請你說明一下怎樣填這張表好嗎?

Please fill in this disembarkation card. - 請你填寫這張入境卡。

Very well, sir. Please fill out this remittance slip. - 好的,先生。請填寫這張匯款通知書。

That's fine. Fill out this form and let me see your credit card, please. - 好極了,請填一下這張表,再給我看一看你的信用卡。

Will you please fill the bath? - 請你替我的浴缸放滿水。

Are you required to fill a quota of work each month? - 你被要求每月都要達成工作的目標嗎?

I still have to fill 16 hours in my major. - 我必須重修主修科目16小時。

Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth. - 手勤腳快,嘴裡吃飽。

They gave me a FORM and told me to fill it out. - 他們給我一張表讓我填。

Please fill in the blanks when you are answering the test questions. - 你考試時請把那些空填上。

Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box. - 但是能把儲蓄罐裝滿的只有屈指可數的幾個特別節儉的孩子。

No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single world! - 然而不管我如何擺弄,那枝漂亮的鋼筆就是吸不進墨水來。直到今天,那枝筆連一個字也沒寫過!

We can't split open a case to fill your order. - 因為我們不能拆箱來湊足你的訂量。

Right! Hold it straight! I'll fill in the hole with earth. - 好的!扶直了!我用土填坑了

No, just a few. For example, most Canadians say news [nju:z], but Americans say [nu:z]. We mainly use American words, but we use quite a lot of British words too. We fill our cars with gas, which is American, but we turn on the tap which is British En - 沒有,只有少數差別。例如,大多數加拿大人把news讀成(nju:z),但美國人卻讀成(nu:z)。我們主要使用美國英語詞,但是也使用很多英國英語詞彙。我們給汽車加「gas(汽油)」,這是美國英語,但是我們說開「tap(龍頭)」,這是英國英語。

Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave, said my brother. - 「不要太靠近洞口點火,風會把火吹滅的;也不要太靠裡面,那樣煙會充滿山洞的,」我弟弟說,


fill nitrogen preservation - 充氮保藏法

n. cut and fill method - 分層填充法

fill out a prescription; fillouta prescription - 撮藥

dispensing; fill a prescription; formulate a prescription; medicinal formula - 配方


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