r. firm ,hard ,securely ,steadfastly
firmly['fə:mli]adv. 堅定地,堅決地;堅固地,穩固地
firmly 穩固地;堅定地;堅固;堅定地、穩固地;Firmly believe 要堅信;closely firmly 緊緊;firmly demanded 堅決要求;果斷要求;firmly peremptoriness 斷然;
1.For the first time, I expressed my opinions firmly. 這是我第一次堅決地表達我的意見。
2.He firmly promised that he would tell the true story of Hamlet to the world. 他堅定地承諾一定會將哈姆雷特的真實故事告訴世人。
3.Forever firmly believe: the design can save your country, you can change the world. 第十條:永遠堅信:設計可以拯救你的國家,可以改變世界。
The little boy held his mother's hand firmly when crossing the street. - 那小男孩過馬路時緊抓著母親的手。
Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all. - 抓而不緊等於不抓。
A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter, but George was firmly stuck. - 這時在他周圍上了許多人,一位女士在喬治胳膊上抹了肥皂,黃油,但喬治的胳膊仍然卡得緊緊的。
As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. - 我們路過一家商店時,他將一顆鑽石使勁地往櫥窗上一按,在玻璃上留下一道深痕。
The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it. - 修完後割草機還是紋絲不動。於是,我決定把它拆開。
His roots and mine bad become too firmly embedded in the new land. - 因為他與我一樣已經把根深深地紮在異國的土地上。
and his hero was firmly rooted in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier. - 他塑造的英雄人物深深地扎根於他本人的記憶和經歷之中,也扎根於有關已經消失的拓荒生活的歷史和神話之中。