Speculative cornering 股票價格的投機壟斷;speculative fever 投機熱;Speculative Generality 理論上的一般性;誇誇其談未來性;投機通則;speculative metaphysics 思辨的形而上學;思辯的形上學;Speculative middleman 囤積商人;投機中間商;
1.The main part of his criticism is that the speculative system and the objective nature of speculative method had replaced the concrete existence of the individual. 他批評的重心可以概括為:在那個沒有激情,只有理性和反思的時代,思辨體系和客觀反思方法取代了個體的具體生存。
2.In fact the difference between the speculative pressures that China is facing and the ones that brought down currencies like the Argentinean peso is that they are upward and not downward pressures. 實際上,中國面對的投機壓力與拖垮一些貨幣如阿根廷比索的壓力所不同的是這個是向上的壓力而不是向下的。
3.Obviously the involvement of "allosteric effects" in the action of growth regulators is highly specific and equally speculative. 在生長調節劑的作用中涉及「變構效應,」這顯然是高度特殊又是高度推測性的。
4.The effect of building up investment housing market and conniving in speculative purchase of house in some cities is analyzed. 分析了近幾年一些城市培育投資性住房市場並縱容投機性炒房的效應;
5.Bank failures were viewed by the Fed as a regrettable but inevitable consequence of poor bank management, prior speculative excesses, or simply the effect of a collapsing economy. 銀行倒閉被聯儲認為是遺憾的然而也是不可避免的,它是差的銀行管理,事前的過渡投機或者僅僅是經濟衰退的影響。