decisions as to who should enjoy a pay raise could only be finalized after three discussions by the masses and the publication for three times of the deliberations by the leadership 群眾評議、三榜定案;guide to preparing finalized submissions 投稿前的最後準備指南;decisions as to who should enjoy a pay raise could only be finalized after three discussions by the masses and the publication for three times of the deliberations by the leadership 群眾評議、三榜定案;
1.The literature of shanghai group as a special integer was studied and finalized the design and became an expert thesis of Chinese contumacy literature, which is a matter no more than two decade. 海派文學作為一個具有特殊性的整體被加以研究,定型成為中國現代文學史上的一個專門論題不過是近十幾年的事情。
2.In my undergraduate dissertation was finalized, I want to thank all the Chinese Institute of Humanities teacher four years of my meticulous care, education and help. 在我的本科畢業論文定稿之際,我要感謝人文學院中文系所有老師四年來對我無微不至的關懷、教育和幫助。
3.Completion of the transaction is subject to certain conditions being satisfied by both sides, and it is expected to be finalized during Oneida's 2004 first fiscal quarter. 整個資產出售還需雙方進一步的商談,此項協議預計將在2004年第一個財政預算季度完成。
4.Recruitment of this staff is being finalized. 招聘該職員已經正在被完成。
5.Some statistics revealed that in the first half of this year, in the national land market has more than 40 subcrust current rackets, the massive lands only finalized a deal by the base price. 有統計顯示,今年上半年,全國土地市場上有40多塊地流拍,大量土地僅以底價成交。