





n. mineral vein ,nervure ,vena ,venous blood vessel


vein[vein]n. 血管;[植]葉脈;巖脈;紋理;[動]翅脈;性情vt. 使成脈絡;象脈絡般分佈於


vein 靜脈;面紗;掩飾;礦脈;Hepatic vein 肝靜脈;肝門靜脈;肝靜脈;brecciated vein 角礫脈;角礫化脈;umbilical vein 臍靜脈;臍靜脈;臍動脈;釋義:臍靜脈;cross vein 交錯礦脈;交切脈;交錯脈;橫脈;


1.The countryside is veined by new broad highways. 鄉村地區密佈四通八達的寬闊的新公路。

2.Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of mesenteric vein thrombosis. 目的探討腸系膜靜脈血栓形成的診斷和治療。

3.Results This group had no complications as joint conglutination, dysfunction, deep vein thrombosis, infection and so on. 結果本組患者術後未出現關節黏連、功能障礙、深靜脈血栓、感染等併發症。


pulmonary vein of upper lobe - 上葉肺靜脈

varcose vein of lower limb; varix of lower limb - 下肢靜脈曲張

varicose vein of breast - 乳房靜脈曲張

hairy vein agrimony; herba agrimoniae - 仙鶴草

lateral vein of lateral ventricle; vena atrii lateralis - 側腦室外側靜脈

vein of vestibular aqueduct; vena aqueductus vestibuli - 前庭水管靜脈

vein of bulb of vestibule bulb; vena bulbi vestibuli - 前庭球靜脈

vein arterymixedfilling; vein vein; vein-artery mixed filling; veinarterymixedfilling; veinvein - 動脈混合灌流

ovarian vein syndrome - 卵巢靜脈綜合征

biers local anesthesia; vein anesthesia - 局部靜脈麻醉

occipital vein; vein occipitalis - 枕靜脈

biers local anesthesia; vein anesthesia - 比爾氏局部麻醉

deep vein thrombosis; thrombosis of deep vein - 深靜脈血栓形成

cutaneous vein vena outanea - 皮靜脈

pelvic vein thrombophlebitis - 盆腔靜脈血栓靜脈炎

vein of lateral recess of fourth ventricle - 第四腦室外側隱窩靜脈

vein of pterygoid canal; vena canalis pterygoide - 翼管靜脈

incision of great saphenous vein of femur - 股部大隱靜脈剖開術

felix-weil reaction; fermoral vein ligation - 股靜脈結紮

coronary vein of stomach; venae coronaria ventriculi - 胃冠狀靜脈

varicose vein of renal pelvis - 腎盂靜脈曲張

renal vein renin activity - 腎靜脈腎素活性

renal vein thrombosis - 腎靜脈血栓形成

n. vein type - 脈型

superior vein of choroid plexus; vena choroidea superior - 脈絡叢上靜脈

inferior vein of choroid plexus; vena choroidea inferior - 脈絡叢下靜脈

subcutaneous varicose vein of abdominal wall - 腹壁靜脈曲張

accompanying vein of hypoglossal nerve - 舌下神經伴行靜脈

vein of cochlear aqueduct; vena aqueductus cochleae - 蝸水管靜脈

vein of canaliculus of cochlea; vena canaliculi cochleae - 蝸管靜脈

spiral vein of modiolus; vena spiralis modioli - 蝸軸螺旋靜脈

central vein of retina; vena centralis vetinae - 視網膜中央靜脈

thrombosis of central vein of retina - 視網膜中央靜脈血栓

thrombosis of central vein of retina - 視網膜中央靜脈血栓形成

retinal vein obstruction - 視網膜靜脈阻塞

anterior vein of septum pellucidum; veana septipellucidi anterior - 透明隔前靜脈

posterior vein of septum pellucidum - 透明隔後靜脈

subclavian vein puncture - 鎖骨下靜脈穿刺

portal vein manometry - 門靜脈壓測量法

deep dorsal vein of penis; vena dorsalis penis profunda - 陰莖背深靜脈

deep dorsal vein of clitoris; vena dorsalis clitoridis profundae - 陰蒂背深靜脈

dorsal vein of clitoris; vena dorsalis clitoridis - 陰蒂背靜脈

saphenous vein obstruction - 隱靜脈梗阻

saphenous vein graft - 隱靜脈移植

vein retractor - 靜脈拉鉤

vein arterymixedfilling; vein vein; veinvein - 靜脈靜脈靜脈

internal jugular vein puncture - 頸內靜脈穿刺


腹靜脈,腹部靜脈 - abdominal vein

n.副頭靜脈 - accessory cephalic vein

n.副半廳靜脈 - accessory hemiazygos vein

n.副隱靜脈 - accessory saphenous vein

n.副椎靜脈 - accessory vertebral vein

n.舌下神經伴行靜脈 - accompanying vein of hypoglossal nerve

腎上腺靜脈 - adrenal vein

尿囊靜脈 - allantoic vein

n.內眥靜脈 - angular vein

肘前靜脈 - antecubital vein

耳前靜脈 - anterior auricular vein

n.前主靜脈 - anterior cardinal vein

大腦前靜脈 - anterior cerebral vein

n.面前靜脈 - anterior facial vein

前肋靜脈 - anterior intercostal vein

n.頸前靜脈 - anterior jugular vein

陰唇前靜脈 - anterior labial vein

n.頸內靜脈前淋巴結 - anterior lymph nodes of internal jugular vein

腦橋中腦前靜脈 - anterior pontomesencephalic vein

陰囊前靜脈 - anterior scrotal vein

顳板障前靜脈 - anterior temporal diploic vein

脛骨前靜脈 - anterior tibial vein

n.透明隔前靜脈 - anterior vein of septum pellucidum

n.椎前靜脈 - anterior vertebral vein

n.闌尾靜脈 - appendicular vein

房水靜脈 - aqueous vein

n.腰升靜脈 - ascending lumbar vein

n.門靜脈閉鎖 - atresia of portal vein

n.腋靜脈 - axillary vein

n.奇靜脈 - azygos vein

腦底靜脈 - basal vein

Rosenhct基底靜脈 - basal vein of Rosenthal

n.基底靜脈 - basilar vein

n.貴要靜脈 - basilic vein

頭臂靜脈 - brachiocephalic vein

橋靜脈 - bridging vein

支氣管靜脈 - bronchial vein

n.尿道球靜脈 - bulbourethral vein

n.頸靜脈球 - buld of jugular vein

n.主靜脈 - cardinal vein

海綿體靜脈 - cavernous vein

n.視網膜中央靜脈 - central vein of retina

腎上腺中心靜脈 - central vein of suprarenal gland

n.頭靜脈 - cephalic vein

n.小腦中央前靜脈 - cerebellar precentral vein

大腦靜脈 - cerebral vein

頸靜脈 - cervical vein

脈絡叢靜輪 - choroid vein

n.頸靜脈萎陷 - collapse of jugular vein

n.底段總靜脈 - common basal vein


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