





r. through and througha. done ,through with


through[θru:]prep. 通過;穿過;憑借adv. 徹底;從頭至尾adj. 直達的;過境的;完結的


through 穿過;貫穿的;篩眼;經過;come through 經歷…仍活著,安然度過;成功;交出;經歷,脫險;go through 詳細檢查;細查;完成;檢查;put through 接通電話;做妥一件工作;使穿過;使從事;through train 直達快車;直達車;直通車;直達火車;


1.I toured through Europe last summer. 去年夏天我周遊了歐洲。

2.Can the table go through the door? 這張桌子能過得了那扇門嗎?

3.They hewed a path through the jungle. 他們在叢林中開闢出一條路。


Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China. - 是的,檢查完畢。希望您在中國過得愉快。

Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. - 陸先生,沒問題的。您從今天訂到星期三,單人房。

We have finally concluded the transaction through negotiation. - 經過談判,我們終於達成了一筆交易。

Generally speaking, we hold all disputes should be settled through friendly negatiations. - 一般來說,我們主張所有爭論通過友好協商解決。

My parents paid my way through college. - 我父母供我上大學。

I'm working my way through college. - 我靠勤工儉學上大學。

I've been through every section with you, Richard. - 我和你一起檢視過每個部分, Richard。

I can imagine what is going through your head. - 我能想像你的頭腦正在考慮什麼事。

We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. - 我們也許需要你們多邀朋友來幫忙, Robbie。

I think he'll sleep through the night now. - 我想他現在會睡到天亮。

They've stood by me through all this. - 他們一直支持我做這件事。

for their love and support all through this adventure. - 在這整個工作期間給予我的愛和支持。

After running through the entire appeals procedure, we've still been knocked bakc. - 經過了這麼整整一個上訴程序,我們還是被駁了回來。

Well, we all go through this at some stage of life, some of us buy a wig and some of us just stay bald. - 我們全部會在生命中的某個時期經歷脫髮這種事,有些人會去買假髮,有些人則會留個光頭。

I heard through the grapevine that the minister is going to resign. - 我聽到小道消息,首相將辭職。

The best way to promote your products is through advertising. - 推廣產品最好的方法就是買廣告。

I'm through with you! - 我們之間完了。

When will you be through with your homework? - 你的家庭作業什麼時候可以做完?

She's through with her new boyfriend. - 她跟新交的男朋友吹啦。

He worked his way through college. - 他半工半讀念完大學。

She had to work her way through law school. - 她必須半工半讀學法律。

I'll get through this work by noon. - 我會在中午以前完成這項工作。

Are you through with your work? - 你工作做完了嗎?

How long does it take you to get through a letter? - 你寫一封信要花多少時間?

However, through my experience in business at home and abroad. - 但從事國內外的商業的經歷中。

And I believe it is through this language of human relationship that our company has grown into what it is today. - 我相信利用這種人際關係的語言,我們的公司才發展到今日的規模。

All produets have to go through five checks in the whole process. - 所有產品在整個生產過程中得通過五道質量檢查關。

We've increased our efficiency by 20% through automation. - 通過自動化我們的效率增加了20%。

All disputes arising in the course of the consignment period shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. - 所有在運輸途中引起的糾紛都將通過友好協商,妥善加以解決。

We don't like them to pass through here. - 我們不希望汽車通過這裡。

To dart through sky - 突破陰霾的天空

The thief is peeping through a keyhole. - 那個小偷從鑰匙孔中窺視。

I am not through with school yet. - 我還沒有畢業。

I still want to travel through Europe and to Asia. - 我一直希望能從歐洲經由亞洲旅行。

Sometimes the snow was so deep we could tunnel through it. - 偶爾雪會積到可以造隧道那般的深度。

They intend to stop all traffic through the ports. - 他們預定關閉港口的全部交通。

A shiver of fright ran through them as he dove from the cliff. - 他從懸崖躍下時,恐怖的顫慄掠過了全身。

I found an excellent position through an employment agency. - 我通過職業介紹所找到了一份很棒的工作。

I'm looking for a part-time job to help put me through school. - 為了使我能夠從學校畢業,我正在找兼職工作。

A moneyless man goes fast through the market. - 一個沒錢的人很快穿過市場。

Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty. - 不要因為怕貧苦而放棄自由。

Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty. - 不要因為怕貧困而捨去自由。

He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. - 看破生死者,大多會成功。

Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. - 對萬事要樂觀。

He made his way through the forest. - 他設法穿過了森林。

But that's impossible.Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.Look through the window. - 但這是不可能的。卡羅爾和湯姆請我們來吃午飯。從窗子往裡看看。

On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. - 每適星期天,有許許多人從城裡來觀賞我們的小鎮,並在樹林中散步。

As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. - 當我們穿過舊德裡的市場時走了很長一段路,我們在一個廣場上停下來休息。

Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. - 安。斯特林夫人在穿過森林追趕兩個男人時,她並沒有考慮到所冒的風險。

In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. - 在爭搶中,手提包的帶斷了,包落入這兩個人手裡,他們拔腿跑進了樹林。


n. through penetration test method - 全滲透試驗法

n. through transmission method - 全透射法

skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna - 尺骨鷹嘴肌牽引

n. through transmission method - 淬透性試驗法

needle warming through moxibustion - 溫針灸

variolation through clothing - 痘衣法

excision of polyp of colon through fibercoloscope - 纖維結腸鏡息肉切除術

amputation through forearm - 經前臂切斷術

amputation through thigh - 經大腿切斷術

skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna - 經尺骨鷹嘴骨牽

amputation through finger - 經手指切斷術

resection through cervical approach - 經頸部切除法

skeletal traction through supracondyle of femur - 股骨髁上骨牽引術

the blood courses through the veins - 血液在血管中流動

skip-over transmission through channels - 越經傳

n. plating through hole solder fillet - 過孔焊角電鍍

n. through hole - 通孔


n.經手指切斷術 - amputation through finger

n.經前臂切斷術 - amputation through forearm

n.經大腿切斷術 - amputation through thigh

n.纖維結腸鏡息肉切除術 - excision of polyp of colon through fibercoloscope

n.接著檢查 - follow through

n.溫針灸 - needle warming through moxibustion

擠壓包裝 - press through package

n.經頸部切除法 - resection through cervical approach

n.尺骨鷹嘴肌牽引,經尺骨鷹嘴骨牽 - skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna

n.股骨髁上骨牽引術 - skeletal traction through supracondyle of femur

n.越經傳 - skip-over transmission through channels

n.血液在血管中流動 - the blood courses through the veins

n.平均蝕斑突破值 - the mean plaque break through

n.痘衣法 - variolation through clothing

徹底操作,前進 - working through


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