Proposal by the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR on the Establishment of the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR Under the Standing Committee of the NPC 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員會的建議》;香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會香港特別行政區基本法委員會的建議》-----;SUB Sub-Addressing 子地址尋址;Sub Sub-Process 子流程;Ad-Hoc Sub Committee 遺骸處理專門委員會;Sub-Committee on Mid-Stream Operations 中流作業小組委員會;
1.Being a committeeman at acute medicine /emergency committee in Heilongjiang province and at acute medicine /disease committee of medicine committee in China. 是黑龍江省急診急救委員會委員,中華醫學會急診急救醫學危重病分會委員,哈爾濱市醫療鑒定委員會委員。
2.An alternate Executive Committee Member shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Executive Committee Member if his appointor ceases for any reason to be an Executive Committee Member. 如理事不再繼續其職務,他指定的候選理事也相應地終止自己的職務。
3.A listed company shall establish an auditing committee, a compensation committee and an assessment committee which are mainly composed of independent directors and give full play to their roles. 要設立以獨立董事為主的審計委員會、薪酬與考核委員會並充分發揮其作用。
4.Accordingly, with the assistance of a sub-committee of the Securities Law Committee, the Council has recommended to the Stock Exchange a number of minor amendments. 據此,理事會在證券法委員會旗下小組委員會的協助下,向聯交所提出數個輕微修訂。
5.One of our shells managed to hit the sub's conning tower but the sub managed to submerge anyway. At that time our ship was able to pass directly over the sub for a depth charge attack. 我們的一發炮彈擊中了日本潛艇的艦橋,但是潛艇還是下潛撤離,在這時我們在潛艇下潛處進行了一次深彈攻擊。