n. first council of nicaea ,second council of nicaea
nicaean. 尼西亞;尼西亞城(小亞細亞西北部的古城)
Nicaea 尼西亞;尼西亞;the Council of Nicaea 尼西亞大公會議;尼西亞會議;尼西亞大會;Council of Nicaea I 大公會議;First Council of Nicaea 第一次尼西亞公會議;第一次尼西亞會議;Second Council of Nicaea 第二次尼西亞公會議;
1.c. Slowly, the Despotate lost territory to the growing power of the Empire of Nicaea. 慢慢地,君主國的版圖逐漸為實力逐漸增長的尼西亞帝國所佔領。
2.Bishops from the Eastern and Western Empires met in Nicaea in Asia Minor in 325, at what has come to be called the First Ecumenical (universal) Council. 325年,東、西方帝國的大主教們在小亞細亞的尼西亞開會,這次會議被稱為第一次全基督教大會。
3.The original structure was built by Bishop Makarios of Jerusalem at the direction of Constantine I of the Roman Empire following the First Council of Nicaea in 32
5. 最初的建築物是在公元325年的第一次尼西亞會議結束後,在羅馬皇帝君士坦丁一世的命令下,由耶路撒冷的馬卡裡斯主教建造的。