drill through perforate thread thrill through thro' through traverse 穿過;drill through perforate thread thrill through thro' through traverse 穿過;drill through perforate thread thrill through thro' through traverse 穿過;drill through perforate thread thrill through thro' through traverse 穿過;Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;
1.So, aiming at Suppabuddha the leper, he gave a step-by-step talk, i. e. , a talk on giving, a talk on virtue, a talk on heaven; 於是,針對麻瘋病者蘇巴菩達,他作了一場循序漸進的開示,即,一段佈施說,一段戒德說,一段天界說;
2.Do not tell me about a man's being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense - can he talk nonsense? 別講會說要道理的話的人的事情了;誰也會說有道理的話——他會說廢話嗎?
3.And Li Yinan always is leisurely, with excuse oneself from of a word: Talk about Aladdin only today, talk about future only, do not talk about the past. 而李一男總是慢條斯理,以一句話婉拒:今天只談阿拉丁,只談未來,不談過去。
4.A leading greeting-card and gift company that we spoke with is one of many that have set up an online community -- a site where it can talk to consumers and the consumers can talk to each other. 我們與之交談過的一家市場領先的賀卡禮品公司是已經建立網絡社區的眾多公司之一,網絡社區是一個網站,這個網站可以與消費者交流,消費者也可以網站上相互溝通。
5.If you need to talk to someone about a problem, talk to a melancholic person. 如果你想找人談談你的問題,和一個有憂鬱性格的人聊聊吧。