





every['evri]adj. 每一的,每個的;每隔…的


Every 埃弗裡;每個;每一;每一的;every bit 每一點,完全(一樣);每一點;完全(一樣);每一點,(一樣);every other 每隔一個;EVERY STORY 每一個故事;每–個故事;every week 每週;每星期;每個星期;


1.Do you say that to every woman? 你是不是對-個女人都這麼說?

2.He attended my every word in class. 上課時他傾聽我的每一句話。

3.In fact, not only should we have focus, we should have it at every level of our life. 事實上,我們不但應該要集中注意力,而且還要把它貫穿到生活裡每個層面。


I try to keep a regular schedule every day. - 我每天努力遵守有規律的安排。

almost every night this week, Dad. - 幾乎這個星期的每天晚上都如此, 爸爸。

That guy has a new job every week. - 這傢伙一個星期換一個工作。

They took every last dime. - 他們拿走了所有的錢。

Earth day should be every day. - 每一天都應該是地球日。

I go to brunch every Sunday. - 我每星期天早午餐合吃。

And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. - 每餐之後給她吃一茶匙的藥。

I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes without stopping. - 每天早晨我舉重六十分鐘,中間還不是沒有休息。

in the school and loving every minute of it. - 在學校 ,且樂此不疲, 時時如此。

you can pay the mortgage every month. - 你們能每月按時付款。

Well, we'll phone every hour, - 好了, 我們每個小時都打電話

from the old clothing of every member in the family - 從每位家庭成員的舊衣服上

I've been through every section with you, Richard. - 我和你一起檢視過每個部分, Richard。

in every appliance store in Riverdale, - 在Riverdale的每一家電器行,

He prays every night before sleep. - 他每晚睡覺著都祈禱。

I read my horoscope every morning, but I don't really believe in it. - 我每天早上都看我的運程,但是我不相信它。

I work with families every day, Ellen. - 我每天的工作就是接觸一些家庭, Ellen。

It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle. - 這套衣服每天都可以穿。它適合上學時穿, Michelle。

I do his taxes every year. - 我每年為他處理稅務。

He plays games with his daughter every night after work. - 下班後他每晚都和他的女兒玩遊戲。

If we're all prepared to recycle paper, thousands of trees could be saved every day. - 如果紙能被循環利用,那麼每天千千萬萬的樹木就可得以挽救。

The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be growing every day. - 貧富懸殊好像與日俱增。

You will waste a lot of money trying to keep up with the newest fashions every year. - 為了跟上每年最新的時裝潮流,你得花大把的錢。

I enjoyed every minute of the party. - 這個聚會的每一分鐘我都很快樂。

He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day. - 他每天跑五公里以保持身體健康。

He makes a pass at every girl he meets. - 他對碰到的每一個女孩子都暗送秋波。

She cries every time she sees the movie. - 她每次看那部電影都會哭。

I see him on the train every day but we are not on speaking terms. - 我每天都在火車上見到他,但彼此沒有說過話。

The costs of college get higher every year. - 學費逐年增加,越來越貴。

They are used to seeing him every day. - 他們習慣了每天見到他。

But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. - 只有今天好好地生活,昨天才會變成幸福的回憶,明天才會成為希望的憧憬。

Knowing what he is capable of, you have every right to be afraid. - 既然你知道他的能力如何,你的擔心是完全可以理解的。

How long do you watch TV every day? - 你每天看多長時間電視?

I get up at 8 every morning. - 每天早上我8點起床。

I get up before six o'clock every day. - 每天我六點前起床。

What time do you get up every day? - 你每天什麼時間起床?

I get up at 6 o'clock every day. - 我每天在6點鐘起床。

I get to work at nine o'clock every morning. - 我每天早上9點鐘上班。

I used to get dressed quickly every morning. - 我過去常每天早上快速穿好衣服。

I used to start working at 9:00 o'clock every day. - 我過去常在9:00點鐘開始每天工作。

I used to have lunch every day at the same time. - 我過去常每天在同一時間吃午餐。

I get out of bed about 7 o'clock every morning. - 我大約每天早上7點鐘起床。

He told me to take these pills every four hours. - 他告訴了我每4小時吃一次這些藥片。

You play the piano beautifully.How much do you practice every day? - 你完美地彈鋼琴,你每天花多少時間練習?

Almost every process is computerized. - 幾乎每一道工藝都是由電腦控制的。

We have every reason to cancel the contract because you've failed to fulfil your part of it. - 我們完全有理由取消合同,因為你們沒有完成應遵守的合同內容,履行合同。

There are ten dimes in every dollar. - 每美元有十角。

There are four quarters in every dollar. - 每美元有四個二角五分。

There are one hundred pennies in every dollar. - 每美元是一百美分。

To play golf every weekend - 每個週末去打高爾夫球


specific gravity test of every 3-hour urine - 每三小時尿比重試驗


n.每三小時尿比重試驗 - specific gravity test of every 3-hour urine


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