a. deliberate ,designed
a. uncontrived ,unstudied
studied['stʌdid]adj. 有計劃的;故意的v. 學習(study的過去式)
studied 故意的;學習;精細心計畫的;慎重的;had studied 去完成時;unified studied 統一課程;Study as Lenin Studied 像列寧那樣學習;He never studied Japanese 他從未正式學過日文,他所懂的一些日文是他居住在日本時隨便學來的。;
1.In acoustics he studied the propagation of sound and musical consonance and dissonance. 在聲學中,他研究了聲的傳播和音樂的和諧與不和諧。
2.How to reduce affection of errors in construction process, it is problem that construction control would be studied. 如何在施工過程中減小甚至消除這些誤差影響,是施工控制所要研究的問題。
3.The attorney for the Labor Department said I was a good lawyer when waiting for the verdict, although I studied philosophy in university. 在等待判決的時候,勞工部方面的辯護律師說我是一個好律師,然而我在大學裡學的是哲學。
Have you studied any courses related to the post you are applying for? - 你曾修讀與這份工作有關的科目嗎?
I studied English in school. - 我是在學校裡學的英語。
I studied medicine there. - 我在那裡學醫學。
I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it. - 我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。
He studied harder to improve his English. - 他更加努力提高英語水平。
Have you ever studied French? - 你學過法語嗎?
I'll have studied English for four years next March. - 到明年三月,我就學了四年的英語了。[將來完成時,表示將完成…,會做完…]
I should have studied last night, but I was too tired. - 我昨晚應該學習,但是我太累了。
I've studied the reports of past meetings. - 我學習了以往的會議記錄。
How long have you studied English? - 你學英語多久了?
Has he studied French very long? - 他學習法語很長時間嗎?
He studied quite a lot. - 他非常用功。
Last year I studied sociology and political science in school. - 去年,我在學校攻讀了社會學和政治學課程。
George studied medicine in his youth. - 喬治年輕時學過醫,
We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, - 我們必須從那些研究生命起源的人的工作總結出:
In the evenings he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford. - 他晚間努力學習,以應付考試,而大多數早上,他則帶領遊客在牛津大學參觀。
There she studied the teaching of deafblind children. - 在那裡,她學習聾盲兒童的教學工作。