





accept battle pick up the gauntlet take up the gauntlet take up the glove 應戰;custody detention impound intern keep run in take in take up 拘留;disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown 拆卸;refuge take refuge take sanctuary 避難;take sth into consideration take account of sth 考慮某事物;體諒某事物:;


1.Enternet, you can take my bless, take my miss, take my care, take my gentel, but, can you take my tears fall down on the keyboard??? 網路啊,你載去了我的祝福,載去了我的思念,載去了關心,載去了體貼,但是,你能載去我掉在鍵盤上的眼淚嗎???

2.Take a step a bit however at this moment " hard " , again and again by the person " tackle " , "Take a car?Take a car? 這時卻有點邁步「艱難」,頻頻被人「阻截」,「乘車嗎?乘車嗎?

3.But I have to take my notebook, which dispirits me. My notebook is to heavy, and I am not willing to take. 不過明天比較鬱悶的是還要帶筆記本,太重了,不太情願背。

4.They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; 他們捨真主而把他們的博士、僧侶和麥爾彥之子麥西哈當做主宰。

5.From already the pass take out three greatest mouths in the house and Be take out and say:"You the arrant fool of this pig brain, don't jilt you to jilt who ah?" 把自已關在屋裡,抽三大嘴巴,一邊抽一邊說:「你這豬頭豬腦的大傻瓜,不甩你甩誰呀?


She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

It will take less than 5 minutes to check out. - 退房最多只需5分鐘。

And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it. - 對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。

I see. We'll take a good look at you. - 我明白了。我們會好好替你看看。

How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination? - 我的信件到達目的地要多久?

How many days will it take for my mail to reach its destination? - 我的信件到達目的地要用幾天?

How much time will it take for my mail to get to where it is going? - 我的信件到達它要去的地方要用多少時間?

OK. I'll take that one. - 好,我就要這一輛。

You can take a seat now. - 現在你找個座位坐下吧。

I'll take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping? - 我買了。但價格有點高,免費包裝怎麼樣?

Here, take a look at these Rolexes. - 來看這幾隻勞力士吧!

I can consider it. Do you have any literature I can take with me? - 我會考慮的。你們有什麼說明書可以讓我帶走嗎?

I would be appriciated to take a look around your factory. - 如能看一下你們工廠我會很感激的。

And take measures to reinforce them. Please set your mind at rest. - 並採取措施加固。請放心好了。

Good morning, Mr. Zhou. Take a seat, please. What can I do for you? - 早上好,周先生。請坐。有什麼事嗎?

How long will it take to get some more in from the factory? - 從工廠再運一些貨過來要多久?

OK, let me get my wallet and we'll take off. - 好,讓我拿一下錢包,我們就走。

Then, take this afternoon off. - 那麼,今天下午就休息一下吧。

Good-bye. Take care of yourself. - 多多保重,再見。

Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while. - 對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。

You really ought to take some time off. - 的確應該休一休假。

Richard's going to take some wedding pictures before the ceremony. - 在婚禮前Richard準備拍一些結婚照片。

Please take your places. - 請大家就座。

Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart - 那麼 ,Harry Bennett, 你願意接受Susan Stewart

I'll take the application and letter tomorrow when I come in. - 明天我來的時候,會把申請表和推薦信帶來。

It's mostly young people who take part. - 參加活動的絕大多數是年青人。

Can you take us to...? - 你能帶我們去……

Can you tell me about how long it'll take to get to...? - 你能告訴我到……有多遠嗎?

May I take your order? - 可以點菜了嗎?

No, …is not in right now. May I take a message? - 不, ……現在不在這兒。 我能幫你捎個口信嗎?

Goodbye, take it easy. - 再見,悠著點。

Don't forget to take lots of pictures. - 別忘了照些照片。

I'm so tired, I have to take a nap when I get home. - 我太累了,回到家後一定要睡上一會兒。

You should take your health more seriously. - 你對自己的健康得更當回事兒。

I always take good care of my body. - 我總是很關注身體健康。

All I do is study and take exams. - 我要接受所有的學習和考試。

I don't have time to take any elective classes. - 我沒有時間去上任何選修課。

Can you please take a message for me? - 你能幫我留個條嗎?

Let's take a snack break. - 咱們休息一下,吃點東西吧。

I have to take your measurements. - 我必須要你的尺寸。

Too many people take drugs to get high. - 好多人吸毒是為了得到一種快感。

You can take this job and shove it. - 你把這份工作留著你自己幹吧。

How long will this letter take to get there? - 這封信需要多長時間到那兒?

I need to take a break from studying. Let's get drunk. - 我不學習了,得休息一會兒。咱們一醉方休吧。

May I take a picture of you and your little boy? - 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一張照嗎?

Well, it's fine if you take our picture. - 你想拍我們的照,就請吧。

Hey, let me take your picture! - 嘿!讓我給你拍一張照

You should take the number 1 subway. - 應當搭一路地鐵。

You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. - 搭一路車到Van Cortlandt公園下車。

I'll take this green sweater. - 我買這件綠毛衫吧。


Take two doses and see what happens - 先服兩付看看

take drug following its infusion; taking drug following its infusion - 沖服

take medcal treatment - 就醫

usually take just one treatment to heal - 往往一次可獲得

take a long period of time to heal - 癒合慢

take some out of a wound - 拆去傷口的縫線

take traditonal Chinese medicines - 服中藥

administraction of the drug on an empty stomach; be taken with an empty stomach; take before meals; to be taken on an empty stomach - 空腹服

take one's coat off - 脫掉上衣

ake medicine with water; ginger soup; or wine; take medicine with water or ginger soup or wine - 送服

take medicine in multiple doses; to be taken in small doses at short intervals - 頻服


n.往往一次可獲得 - usually take just one treatment to heal

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