up-fault 上升斷層;Close-up fault 近距離故障;
1.In the run-time start-up with a non-fault of the automatic re-start power, as well as the ability to make automatic adjustment. 在起動運行時具有非故障性的自動再啟動能力以及功率自動調節功能。
2.The Low Frequency Element is used to distinguish the start-up with block fault; the Over Current is used to distinguish the start-up with serious symmetrical faults. 其中低頻份量判據用於區分電動機啟動或自啟動狀態和堵轉故障,電流速斷判據用於區分電動機的啟動或自啟動和嚴重的定子三相對稱短路故障。
3.The paper sets up the fault-tolerant dual computer system consisted of software layer based on dissimilarity redundancy technique and hardware layer based on similarity redundancy technique. 該系統中的硬件平台採用相似余度技術來構建,軟件層採用非相似余度技術構建控制系統。