Order, Permit(命令,允許)(二)
1 . Only certain people are permitted to enter that club.只有特定的人才被允許進入該俱樂部。
2 . You must come right away.你必須馬上過來。
3 . What has the captain ordered us to do?船長命令我們做那些事?
4 . A leader should not dictate to his followers.領導者並不是向部下下達命令便了事的。
5 . Arthur must send that letter soon.亞瑟,你必須立刻投遞那封信。
6 . The master always exacts quality work from his students.老師常常要求學生們認真踏實的完成功課。
7 . I want you to clean your room today.我希望你在今天自己打掃房間。
8 . Answer me truthfully!撒謊!回答我實話!
9 . Don't leave before I return.在我回來之前請不要離開。