第 29 部分(額外成就感)
1 . No reasonable person could refuse.凡事明事理的人都不會拒絕此事。
2 . Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.你那漂亮的書法使我潦草的字跡相形見絀。
3 . If you believe that, then you must be out of your mind.你如果相信它的話,那你一定是你頭腦發昏了。
4 . She's perfectly reasonable in her demands.她的要求完全合情合理。
5 . I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning.我熬夜直到凌晨2點。
6 . Can you afford the expense?你出得起這筆費用嗎?
7 . He was out of his mind with grief.他傷心得精神錯亂了。
8 . I cannot afford two days off a week.我忙得無法一星期抽出兩天休假。
9 . Jean was outspoken about her wish to be married.瓊毫不隱諱她意欲結婚的願望。
10 . The child behaved so rudely that he put his father to shame.這孩子舉止非常無禮,使他的父親感到羞恥。