1 . Chuck went to a restaurant that serves very tasty salads.賈克去一家有美味色拉的餐廳用餐。
2 . What should this sandwich be seasoned with?這些三明治該加些什麼調味品好?
3 . Most Indian food has a hot taste.大部分的印度菜都很辣。
4 . Her medicine is ill tasting.她的藥物有怪異的味道。
5 . She served a flavorous stew to her friends.她招待朋友香噴噴的燉肉。
6 . Robin's dishes are always highly palatable.羅賓做的菜味道通常很棒!
7 . The milk in the refrigerator has begun to turn sour.冰箱裡的牛奶開始腐敗了。
8 . Martha's bread tastes as if she burns it.瑪莎做的麵包有烤焦的味道。
9 . Sometimes foreign food has a strange taste.外國菜的味道往往很奇怪。