第 57 部分
1 . I don't want to cause any trouble.我不想給人家添麻煩。
2 . I didn't think I'd see you here.沒想到會在這碰上你。
3 . Take it back!把那句話給我收回去!
4 . Everyone's ready and waiting for you.大家都好了,就等你啦!
5 . I know. Save your breath!早就知道了,還用你說!
6 . You're thinking too much.你也未免想太多了吧!
7 . I couldn't wait any longer for you!我等你等得不耐煩了!
8 . Just pretend I didn't say anything.就當我什麼也沒說過。
9 . I probably can't help you with this.這個我恐怕幫不上忙。
10 . There's no such thing as a free lunch.天下沒有白吃的午餐。