Third Person(第三者)(一)
1 . The voters should petition the legislators for better mass transportation.有權力的人應該向政治家請願作更佳的大眾意向的運輸。
2 . They think people should be less extravagant.他們認為民眾應該更加節制奢侈。
3 . Eventually people are made to answer for their actions.人最後會對自己的行為負責。
4 . Have they developed a new method of transportation yet?他們已經開發了新的運輸方法了嗎?
5 . They have been much too irresponsible for their high position.他們雖身居要位,未免太缺乏責任感了。
6 . What do economists say about the present crisis?經濟學家們對於現在的危機做何說法?
7 . The eyes of the nation are upon the government.國民的目光都注視著政府。
8 . Car manufacturers must be very uneasy now.現在汽車製造廠商們無疑都非常不安。
9 . Don't they believe it's necessary?他們難道不認為它是必要的嗎?