1 . Suzanne likes the feel of the dough as she makes bread.蘇珊娜喜歡製造麵包時的生麵團的那種感覺。
2 . On a cold day, a warm fireplace feels very nice.在天寒地凍的日子,溫暖的爐火旁是很舒服的。
3 . John would like to touch some of the sculpture in the art gallery.約翰想觸摸幾件美術館的雕刻。
4 . When he opened the door the cat ran out and brushed by his legs.當他一開門,那隻貓跳了出來,偎依在他的腳邊。
5 . The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.春天的新芽有柔軟的觸感。
6 . The baby liked to feel the touch of her shiny, new toy.小寶寶喜歡新玩具閃閃發光的觸感。
7 . In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects.在工作上,阿爾博特會接觸到許多美麗的事物。
8 . Many surfaces feel very different.表面的觸感會因物體而大有不同。
9 . On a crowded train, one comes in contact with many people.在擁擠的火車裡面,會和許多人接觸。