1 . Melissa and Henry have the flowers.梅麗莎和亨利有花兒。
2 . Silverwind took a firm grasp of his axe.銀風緊握住斧柄。
3 . A strong grip was necessary to hold onto the large dog.若要牽住大狗,必須用力握住皮帶。
4 . The workman will catch the package from above.那個作業員可望從上面接住那件貨物。
5 . Michael must hold on to the driver of the motorcycle.米高必須緊緊抓住機車的騎士。
6 . Please do not touch the wet paint.油漆未干,請勿觸摸。
7 . As a sign of friendship, Gordon and Peter clasped hands.為了象徵友誼,高頓和彼德互相握手。
8 . The old man fumbled with the key in the dark.老人在黑暗中摸索著尋找鑰匙。
9 . Quick! Seize that child before she falls down.快!趁還沒掉下去,快抓住那孩子。