1 . Our boss would love it if we were robots.我們老闆恨不得我們是機器人。
2 . I've never seen anyone as strict as my boss.我就沒見過像我們老闆這麼嚴厲的人。
3 . Our boss expects us to eat, drink and sleep our job.我們老闆恨不得我們把工作當飯吃,當水喝,當覺睡。
4 . My boss thinks I'm a machine.我的老闆把我當機器使喚。
5 . My boss is a slave driver.我的老闆指使我們像指使奴隸似的。
6 . My boss does everything by the book.我們老闆一切照章辦事。
7 . We have a real hard-nosed boss.我們老闆真的很固執。
8 . Our boss doesn't allow creative thinking.我們老闆不容許創造性的思維存在。
9 . My boss expects me to work day and night.我的老闆恨不得我一天到晚地工作。
10 . Our boss doesn't give us any slack我們老闆不讓我們有一絲鬆懈。