To Be On The Spaceship Earth(客觀存在)英語對話,天天一起練口語,英語To Be On The Spaceship Earth(客觀存在)對白,To Be On The Spaceship Earth(客觀存在)英文怎麽說



To Be On The Spaceship Earth(客觀存在)用英語怎麽說


To Be On The Spaceship Earth(客觀存在)

1 . Do you have the tickets, or not?你到底有沒有買票?

2 . There is a mole under the ground.地下有一隻鼴鼠。

3 . What lives in there?那裡面生存著什麼呀?

4 . Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India.海的那一邊有富饒的印度次大陸。

5 . Do we exist?我們實際存在嗎?

6 . My money is all gone!我一文不名了!

7 . Why are you here?你怎麼會在這裡?

8 . Hey, you forgot about me! Don't leave me here!喂,你把我給忘記了!別把我對丟在這裡!

9 . Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster.有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。

10 . The statue is no longer standing here.那做銅像已經不豎在這裡了。

11 . Did the chicken come before the egg?先有雞還是先有蛋?

12 . Is anybody home?有人在家嗎?

13 . There are three apples on the plate.盤子上面有三個蘋果。

14 . I wish we had a baby.我希望我們有個小寶寶。

15 . She's gone; my heart's broken.她棄我而去;我心碎無聲。

16 . There must be someone behind the door.門後必然有人在。

17 . Do flying saucers really exist?飛碟真的存在嗎?

18 . Five cats and a man were involved in an accident.五隻貓和一個男人被捲入那場意外裡面。

19 . There aren't any other worms for me to play with. I'm the only worm here.此地沒有和我玩的蟲蟲。這裡只有我一條而已。

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