1 . Her job is beginning to get her down.她開始對工作感到厭倦了。
2 . I think she should look for something more stimulating.我認為她應該找更富刺激的工作才對。
3 . He wants to work for a while before he returns to college.他希望返回學校之前暫時工作一段。
4 . For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard.對於職業足球運動員來說,受傷是職業本身帶來的危險。
5 . He is far too qualified for such a menial position.他做那樣卑賤的工作,未免太可惜了。
6 . How long has he been with that company?他在那家公司多久了?
7 . His job is his whole life.工作就是它的生命。
8 . Her husband doesn't think she should continue working after the baby is born.她的丈夫認為女人生了孩子就不應該再繼續出去工作了。
9 . She is starting to work her way up in the company.她在公司開始發揮實力了。
10 . I'm looking for a part-time job to help put me through school.為了使我能夠從學校畢業,我正在找兼職工作。