基礎口語 1700 句
第 38 部分
1 . How often did I tell you not to slam the door?我告訴你多少次不要砰然關門?
2 . How much is this land per acre?每英畝地要多少錢?
3 . How much is this?這個多少錢?
4 . How much is this carpet per square yard?地毯每平方碼要多少錢?
5 . How often did I tell you not to say a word?我告訴你多少次不要講話?
6 . How much paint did you want to order?你要訂購多少油漆?
7 . How much will that be altogether?總共多少錢?
8 . How much wool did you want to order?你要訂購多少羊毛?
9 . How much is this meat per pound?每磅肉要多少錢?