1 . would you mind if I borrowed your car?我想借用一下你的汽車可以嗎?
2 . Do you think you could lend me some of your records/CDs?請問你能借我幾張唱片嗎?
3 . Let me think it over,and I'll let you know later.讓我考慮一下,回頭再告訴你吧。
4 . Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.借到下週一或週二。
5 . Until when?借到什麼時候?
6 . I'm not sure. I'll have to think about it.我現在不敢說定,我得考慮一下。
7 . Until next weekend,if that's OK.如果行的話,住到下個週末。
8 . It really depends on when.那得看什麼時候。
9 . Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter?能不能借用一下你的打字機?
10 . I'm sorry, but it's just not possible.抱歉,實在是愛莫能助。
11 . Oh, just over the holidays.哦,就過完假期。
12 . I was wondering if you'd let me stay with you for a few days.不知道你能否讓我在你這裡住幾天。
13 . Yes, I guess that would be all right.行,我想沒問題。
14 . Well, when exactly?哦,具體什麼時候?