Unit 23 You mustn't play on the road
1 . Everyone laughed at the woman's mistake.這老太太的誤會惹得大家都笑起來。
2 . She was in the city to visit her daughter.她住在農村。
3 . This is a bus stop. The people are waiting for a bus. They are stand in line.這是一個公共汽車站。人們在等車。他們站成行。
4 . If you jump the queue ,other people will not be pleased!如果你夾塞兒,別人就會不高興!
5 . She wanted to see the doctor because her back hurt.她是來倫敦看望女兒的。她要看醫生是因為背痛。
6 . Really? If you are ill, you must see the doctor.真的嗎?如果是生病了,你得去看醫生。
7 . In England they call this line a queue. You must always wait in a queue.在英國人們把這樣的行列叫隊。等車時你總得排隊。
8 . So there were many people in the doctor's waiting room.所以醫生的候診室裡有很多人。
9 . She stood up and took his arm.她站起來,拉住他的手臂。
10 . The old woman thought he was a queue jumper.老太太以為他是不按次序排隊的人。
11 . So she was first in the queue. She sat nearest to the doctor's door.所以她第1個排隊。她坐的位子靠醫生的門口最近。
12 . The woman was a visitor. She did not live in London. She lived in the country.這老太太是位遊客,不住在倫敦。
13 . An Indian came into the waiting room, and walked quickly to the doctor's door.一個印度人走進候診室,快步朝醫生的門口走去。
14 . I wanted to get my ball.我是想撿回我的球。
15 . Oh, dear! What's wrong?噢,天哪!怎麼啦?
16 . Slowly, she said, We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. Do you understand?「我們這兒個個都排在你前面。你得等輪到你才行。你懂嗎?」
17 . It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England.英國倫敦,一個寒冷的春天的早晨。
18 . The weather was very cold, and many people were ill.天氣非常冷,很多人生了病。
19 . You must be more careful! That car nearly hit you.你得多加小心!那輛小車差一點碰著你了。
20 . At the head of the queue was an old woman.排頭的是位老太太。
21 . Mum, I don't feel very well.媽媽,我感到不舒服。
22 . Kate! It's late. Why are you in bed?凱特!晚啦。你怎麼還在床上?
23 . Mum! I feel a little better now.媽媽!我現在感覺好一點了。
24 . I don't know. My head hurts.不知道。我頭痛。
25 . If I get there early, I can see the doctor quickly, she thought.「早到就能早看醫生,」她想。
26 . The queue jumper加塞兒的人
27 . Well,you mustn't play in the road.It's dangerous. A car may hit you.嗯,你不可以在路上玩球。那是很危險的。汽車會撞著你。
28 . No,you mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor.不行,看醫生之前你不可以吃任何東西。
29 . Can I have some breakfast first我能先吃點早餐嗎?
30 . The Indian answered:No, madam. You don't understand! You're all after me! I'm the doctor!「不,夫人。你不懂!你們所有的人都在我後面!我是醫生!」
31 . You must get up and get ready for school. If you don't go soon,you'll be late.你得起床準備上學了。你如果不趕緊去,就該遲到了。
32 . You must never jump the queue.決不可「夾塞兒」。