基礎口語 1700 句
第 90 部分
1 . I'm glad you helped me.我很高興你能幫我的忙。
2 . I'm going to buy four feet.我要買四英尺。
3 . I'm going to give him a silver one.我正要給他一個銀的。
4 . I'm going to buy two bottles.我需買兩瓶。
5 . I'm going to but two gallons.我要買兩加侖。
6 . I'm going to buy five pieces.我要買五片。
7 . I'm going to buy him another one.我正要買給他另一個。
8 . I'm going to buy three yards.我要買給她三碼。
9 . I'm glad you come.我很高興,你能來。
10 . I'm going to buy six inches.我要買六英吋。