Playing Games(做遊戲) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語Playing Games(做遊戲) ACT III對白,Playing Games(做遊戲) ACT III英文怎麽說



Playing Games(做遊戲) ACT III用英語怎麽說


Playing Games(做遊戲) ACT III

1 . Seven letters ... two words ...七個字母……兩個字……

2 . You know I do.你知道我是關心。

3 . We had this part of the conversation我們正談到這兒

4 . We talked about that earlier.我們先前談過這個問題。

5 . And it makes me feel good that you care about me.而且, 關心我, 也讓我感到很高興。

6 . that we can talk about us.我們就可以談談我們。

7 . that express the feelings that I feel for you in my heart.可以表達我內心對你的感情。

8 . There's so many things to talk about.有許多事情需要討論。

9 . since this is so easy ....既然那麼簡單……

10 . Well? Does that mean you'll marry me?噢?你的意思是你答應嫁給我了?

11 . There are three things that have to be done first, Harry.首先我們必須做三件事, Harry。

12 . You're making the game harder.你使遊戲變難了。

13 . We'll live in New York.我們會住在 New York。

14 . You want a hint?需要提示嗎?

15 . I said that it makes me feel good我是說我感到很高興。

16 . It's such an important decision.這是一個如此重要的決定。

17 . I mean--you and me.我的意思是說你和我。

18 . Not as happy as I am.我比你更高興。

19 . Well, I do care about Michelle.是的, 我真的關心 Michelle。

20 . Here are ten letters that express my feelings for you.這裡有十個字母可以表達我對你的感情。

21 . But first things first.但事有先後。

22 . Oh, I'm so happy, Harry!噢, 我太高興了, Harry!

23 . You have to ask for my father's permission.你必須徵得我父親的同意。

24 . we have to talk to Michelle together about being married.我們必須一起跟 Michelle談談我們結婚的事。

25 . We'll do that immediately.我們可以立即跟她談。

26 . Susan, will you marry me?Susan,你願意嫁給我嗎?

27 . It's only natural that if I care about Michelle假如我關心 Michelle

28 . Can't you figure it out?找不到答案嗎?

29 . Well, assume that if you care about Michelle噢, 假如你關心 Michelle

30 . Well, that's easy.哦, 那很簡單。

31 . And it makes me feel good that you care about us.你關心我們大家這使我太高興了。

32 . We have to go pick up Michelle.我們得去接 Michelle了。

33 . What are you trying to say, Harry?你到底想說什麼, Harry?

34 . Now comes the good part.現在最精彩的部分來了。

35 . First, we have to decide where to live.首先 ,我們得決定住在哪裡。

36 . then I care about us.那麼我便關心我們大家。

37 . Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game?這是求婚呢 ,還是僅僅在玩遊戲?

38 . There's something I have to ask you.我有一件事要問你 。

39 . What was it about?剛才談什麼?

40 . There's a conversation we have to finish.我們有一段話還沒有談完呢。

41 . You're a ... wonderful friend.你是個……極好的朋友。

42 . before Michelle and her friends arrived.在Michelle和她的朋友們來之前。

43 . and you care about us,而且關心我們大家,

44 . What's the third thing?第三件事情是什麼?

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