第 104 部分英語對話,基礎口語 1700 句,英語第 104 部分對白,第 104 部分英文怎麽說



第 104 部分用英語怎麽說

基礎口語 1700 句

第 104 部分

1 . It seems he's afraid.看起來他好像很害怕。

2 . It seems he's lucky.看起來他好像很幸運。

3 . It seems he's very fond of you.看起來他好像很喜歡你。

4 . It seems he's interested.看起來他好像很有趣。

5 . It seems he's disappointed.看起來他好像很失望。

6 . It seems he's handsome.看起來他好像很英俊。

7 . It seems he's making plenty of money.看起來他好像賺很多錢。

8 . It seems he's generous.看起來他好像很大方。

9 . It seems he's the big boss.看起來他好像是大老闆。

10 . It seems he's famous.看起來他好像很出名。

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基礎口語 1700 句