瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . You are better off waiting'till you get married before doing anything stupid.你如果想做傻事的話,最好等到結婚後。
2 . My friend is not gay; he's straight.我的朋友不是「基佬」,他很正常。
3 . You have no right to blame him for his sexual preference.你沒有權力批評他的性取向。
4 . The topic of sex if somewhat taboo in Chinese daily conversation.性在中國的日常談話當中是禁忌話題。
5 . I know a pop star who's a lesbian.我認識的位歌星是女同性戀。
6 . Nowadays many young people cohabit together without legal permission.如今很多年輕人未獲得法定允許就一起同居了。
7 . It's not uncommon to encounter sexual harassment in the office.在辦公室遭遇性騷擾並不少見。
8 . That politician was involved in too many sex scandals when he was in power.那個政客在任期間牽涉進太多的性醜聞之中。
9 . Marriage between homesexuals is a controversial topic today.同性戀者之間的婚姻如今是個具有爭議的話題。