1 . Are we scheduled to leave on time?飛機準時起飛嗎?
2 . Where do I board my plane?我在那兒登機?
3 . Stewardess, I feel sick. Where's the bathroom?小姐,我覺得很難受。洗手間在哪裡?
4 . May I have headphones for the in-flight movie?我可以要一副耳機來欣賞飛機上的電影嗎?
5 . Here's my ticket and seat assignment.這是我的機票和座位號。
6 . What time will the plane land?飛機在什麼時間降落?
7 . May I have a pillow and blanket, please?能給我一個枕頭和毛毯嗎?
8 . Do you have any magazines I can read during the flight?你們機上有雜誌給我看嗎?
9 . How long is this flight?這趟飛行有多長時間?
10 . May I have a tour of the cockpit, please?我能參觀一下駕駛艙嗎?