1 . I wish I could beat this summer heat.我真受不了夏日的酷暑。
2 . It was very windy last fall.去年秋天總颳風。
3 . Fall is a great season because of all the wonderful colors.秋天是個色彩繽紛的好季節。
4 . This winter has been a cold one.目前來看,今年冬天算比較冷的。
5 . I'm going to Ft. Lauderdale during spring break.在春假時,我打算去'Lauderdale'城堡。
6 . Spring has sprung and all the flowers are blooming.春天來了。花兒都開了。
7 . Winter in Beijing is too cold.北京的冬天很冷。
8 . Spring is the season for romance.春天是浪漫的季節。
9 . Summer is vacation time.夏季是度假的好時機。
10 . Summer is my favorite season; I love the heat.夏季是我最喜歡的季節,我喜歡熱。