基礎口語 1700 句
第 124 部分
1 . The doctor advised me to drink plenty of water.醫生勸我要多喝水。
2 . The doctor said I looked pale and tired.醫生說我看起來蒼白和疲倦。
3 . The doctor advised me to take better care of myself.醫生勸我要多照顧自己。
4 . The doctor advised me to stay indoors more.醫生勸我要多待在屋子裡。
5 . The doctor said I looked worried and nervous.醫生說我看起來太憂鬱和緊張了。
6 . The doctor advised me to take a walk outdoors.醫生勸我要多到戶外散步。
7 . The doctor said I looked run down.醫生說我看起來身體漸漸差了。
8 . The doctor said I looked pale.醫生說我看起來很蒼白。
9 . The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.醫生勸我要多運動。
10 . The doctor said I looked anemic.醫生說我看起來貧血。