大喊長句難句 - 額外成就感英語對話,瘋狂英語精華演講卡,英語大喊長句難句 - 額外成就感對白,大喊長句難句 - 額外成就感英文怎麽說



大喊長句難句 - 額外成就感用英語怎麽說


大喊長句難句 - 額外成就感

1 . My salary doesn't keep up with inflation.我的工資跟不上通貨膨脹。

2 . There is no sense in what he says.他說的話沒有道理。

3 . With my heart in my boots, I went into the dark room.我戰戰兢兢地走進那黑洞洞的房間。

4 . What lousy weather!多糟的天氣!

5 . She likes to keep up with the latest fashion.她喜歡趕時髦。

6 . There is no sense in criticizing him.批評他也沒有用。

7 . Her attitude towards him has changed.她對他的態度改變了。

8 . We should let him face the music.我們應該讓他對自己所做的事負責任。

9 . The news has bucked us up.這消息使我們歡欣鼓舞。

10 . You've been caught cheating, now y ou must face the music.你作弊被當場抓住,這下你得承擔自己行為的後果了。

11 . Buck up, Billy, Enjoy yourself.振作起來,比利,快快活活地過日子。

12 . He took a strong attitude towards her.他對她採取強硬態度。

13 . His health has been lousy.他的健康狀況近來很糟。

14 . You walk so fast that I can't keep up with you.你走得太快,我跟不上你。

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