Lesson 141 Sally's first train ride
1 . She put away her compact and smiled kindly.她放好了粉盒,慈祥地微笑著。
2 . 'But you are still ugly,' Sally said.「可是你仍然難看呀,」薩莉說。
3 . Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!薩莉感到很有趣,而我卻很尷尬。
4 . I decided to take her by train.我決定帶她乘火車去。
5 . She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.她靠車窗坐著,對她所看到的一切都要問個明白。
6 . 'Why are you doing that?' Sally asked.「你為什麼要那樣做呢?」薩莉問。
7 . 'Hello, little girl,' she said.「你好,小姑娘,」她說。
8 . The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.那位婦女穿著一件藍色的大衣,戴著一頂大而滑稽的帽子。
9 . Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party.上周,我4歲的女兒薩莉被邀請去參加一個兒童聚會。
10 . Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.薩莉非常激動,因為她從未乘過火車。
11 . Suddenly, a middle-age lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.突然,一個中年婦女上了火車,坐在薩莉的對面。
12 . After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took to her power compact.火車開出車站後,那位婦女找開了手提包,拿出了粉盒。
13 . She then began to make up her face.然後她開始打扮起來。
14 . Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.薩莉沒回答,卻好奇地看著她。
15 . 'To make myself beautiful,' the lady answered.「為了把自己打扮漂亮啊,」那位婦女答道。