基礎口語 1700 句
第 142 部分
1 . What shall I send him for his birthday?我要送他什麼東西作為生日禮物?
2 . What is wrong?有什麼不對嗎?
3 . What shall I send him for his the New Year?我要送他什麼東西作為新年禮物?
4 . What kind of climate do you have?Is it cold?你們那裡的天氣怎麼樣?很冷嗎?
5 . What kind of climate do you have?Is it humid?你們那裡的天氣怎麼樣?它是潮濕的嗎?
6 . What shall I send him for his Christmas?我要送他什麼東西作為聖誕禮物?
7 . What kind of climate do you have?Is it mild?你們那裡的天氣怎麼樣?它是不冷不熱的嗎?
8 . What shall I send hin for his anniversary?我要送他什麼東西作為週年紀念禮物?
9 . What shall I give him for his Easter?我要給他什麼東西作為復活節禮物?
10 . What kind of climate do you have?Is it hot?你們那裡的天氣怎麼樣?它是炎熱的嗎?